Keep Calm and Read

How I feel when my kids annoy me when I read.....
How I feel when my kids annoy me when I read.....
Out of Breath (Breathing, #3) - Rebecca Donovan I loved the first two book in this series, and wasn't disppointed with the final part.

Barely Breathing - Rebecca Donovan Just when I thought i was over all the heartbreak and UGLY UGLY Snotty crying.....BOOM!!!!! She did it to me again..

Emma's journey is far from over and as we see from this part of her journey, it is filled with more uncertainly, heartbreak and a fight over who she NEEDS to trust.

Reason to Breathe (Breathing, #1) - Rebecca Donovan WOW........Just.....WOW!!
Brilliantly written book not for the squeemish.
Broken, abused and scared - Emma found herself living in hell.....
Who could save her from her torture.....Evan...amazing, strong Evan..

This book bought out the ugly tears....BIG FAT UGLY TEARS that tore me apart....

Smash Into You - Shelly Crane I'm a huge fan of Shelly Crane...and I have to say....THIS BOOK IS BRILLIANT!!!

Twists...turns and intrigue...

Highly recommend
Carry Your Heart - Audrey Bell Great Love Story. A nice quick read for me...

So Much It Hurts - Melanie   Dawn Hmmmm...

I read this after I read Arsen.

I enjoyed it...and it had me hooked...but didn't devastate like I was expecting.
Arsen - Mia Asher 5 Devsatingly Mind F#@&ed Stars

It has taken me a couple of weeks and a few books to figure out what I want to say about this BRILLIANT book.

I know I'm probably siding with the enemy, but my heart completely fell apart for Cathy. A woman at the lowest time in her life, struggling with loss, not letting love help her heal.

ARSEN - You wild stallion. Provided the perfect distraction for Cathy...or so she thought...He broke her down and was there to help build her back up.

BEN - what can I say about Ben. This amazing man watched his wife self destruct infront of his eyes. He loved her...he truly loved her..even when she would come home with the scent of another man all over her.

This is one book that you MUST read. Everyone will come up with their own conclusions...what will yours be?
Wethering The Storm (The Storm, #2) - Samantha Towle 5 STORMY STARS!!!!

The wait for this was well worth it. BUT....It has left me wanting a little bit more.

Tru and Jake are back together and still have a lot of shit to work out.....And boy..what it sure is a rocky journey for them.

Unbreakable Hearts (Broken, #3) - Amanda  Bennett What a fantastic way to end the series.
Loved Gray and Bennett, and so glad it was definitely a HEA for them.
Porcelain Angel - C.A. Fonner Review to come..
Unbreakable (Unbreakable, #1) - Rebecca Shea 4 UNBREAKABLE stars

Everyone looks for that once in a lifetime love. Sometimes it takes a journey to realize it was staring you in the face the whole time.

Jessica has know Gabe almost her whole life. Gabe has loved her for most of his.

Throw in a unspeakable tragedy, a trip, and at HOT AS HELL Cop named Landon and you Jessicas Journey.

I enjoyed this book, a lot. It had me right from the start, and kept me hooked to the end.

They truly are UNBREAKABLE.
Ruin - Rachel Van Dyken 5 brillaintly ruined stars

I knew this book would get me as soon as I read the prologue. Kleenex and chocolate were required...STAT..

Love makes you find the fight inside you..The fight to love, the fight to grow, the fight to LIVE. This is exactly what Wes found when he met Kiersten.

Tragedy runs deep for these two. Wes puts himself out there to try and redeem himself, Kiesten doesn't want another broken heart. But its the tragedy that makes them see that LOVE is all the medicine they need.

Then there's Gabe (Swoon).....

This book will be your Ruin...willing to take the chance????
Timeout - Cassia Leo OMG..I don't think I would've lasted as long as they did....

But BOY...Was it worth it...
Redemption (Darkness Falls, #2) - Ivory Quinn 5 Devastatingly Beautiful Stars are not enuff

After I read Obsession, I was completely mind fucked. I didn't know what to expect when it came to Redemption. I was so affected by the the death of Gabriel and the wake that was left from it.

I had to syke myself up to even start this....and I am so so glad that I did.

Poor tormented Noelle. I wouldn't even want to put myself in her shoes, but the way that Ivory wrote, made it hard not too. I felt her pain, I felt her torment, I felt her love and in the end.....I guess i felt her redemption.

Jax loved her so much he allowed her to enter Gabriels world of kink and circumstance, to help quash the demons that were living inside her. It broke my heart.

Under the ever watchful of of Master Blue (SWOON, Noelle slowly started evolve. It was beautiful to journey through her change, and kind of made me jealous in a way that I can't explain. He pushed her to her absolute limits, but was there when she fell. Pure Carnal animalistic love emanated from him as he watched her become stronger.

I sat in awe for a while when I finished reading this book. Just absorbing and going through everything. I think this book and its predecessor will ALWAYS stay with me.

I really hope that we see Noelle in her new life....oh and more of Master Blue...PLEASE.......

And my demons rolled beneath my skin
Existing in a soundless scream
And it's the loudest silence....
The Loudest Silence....
And it's the loudest echoing silence
That huts the most...
Password - Cassia Leo WOW....
Now that took a turn for the HOLY FUCK of all FUCK UPS..